Showing posts with label Food Consumption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food Consumption. Show all posts

Thursday, November 20, 2014

10 Bad Behavior to Lose Weight

Bad mood because of the needle on the scale was also moved to the left? Perhaps because of this behavior still do. What is it?

1. Eat lots of salty foods
Not only fatty foods and sugary foods that you need to subtract, foods that contain lots of salt also needs to be muted. Besides can lead to hypertension, too much salt in the body making the body retained fluids. As a result, your weight Loss does not go down and down.
10 Bad Behavior to Lose Weight
2. Too insistent
The hormone cortical during stress will stimulate out of appetite, slow metabolism and increase fat accumulation in the abdomen. Relaxation, such as listening to music, laughing with my friends, yoga, massage, or a walk in the open air, can reduce stress. Do one of these activities at least 10 -15 minutes every day.

3. Often stay up
A study in the US states, lack of sleep will increase the hunger hormone and decreases satiety hormones. Another study added, people who sleep less than four hours a day had a 73% chance of suffering from obesity was higher than those who slept 7-9 hours per day.

4. Eat not at the dinner table
Eating while watching TV, reading a book, or typing on a computer makes you cannot enjoy the food. Finally, you are easily tempted to scavenge something delicious chew. Calories that enter the body were eventually difficult to control. In order for food to be enjoyed, try always eat at the dinner table.

5. Lack of movement
While working, you can be a bit of exercise, such as stretching your legs and arms. Crises-cross or swing-swing your arms and legs while sitting in a chair 2-5 minutes every hour interval. These activities can give you extra energy burning rather than just sitting neatly on a chair.

 10 Bad Behavior to Lose Weight

6. Still drinking alcohol
Alcohol slows down the body's metabolic process by pressing the central nervous system. Alcohol can also increase cortical, a stress hormone that helps the buildup of fat in the abdomen.

7. Avoid milk
Women who eat fat-free yogurt, cheese, or low fat milk 3-4 times a day able to drive 70% of her body fat. Calcium from milk acts as a switch that commands the body to burn excess fat. Drink a glass of fat-free milk at breakfast, a glass of low-fat yogurt during the day, and a glass of fat-free milk in the afternoon.

8. Break dieting
Experience proves, people who successfully lose weight are those that undergo the discipline of the program. Although there is a party to eat well, they are not tempted to say, "Never mind this day a good meal. Tomorrow starts a weight loss program 'agaim'. "Once you give a chance, it would be difficult to go back on a diet.

 10 Bad Behavior to Lose Weight

9. Tasters-tasters plus
No doubt, at the sight of people enjoying cheesecake or pudding drenched in chocolate sauce, you dripping saliva. Rather than constantly curious and fanciful, may, really, you taste it, as long as share with others. You just tasted a small bite, so curiosity paid off.

10. Panic, panic, panic!
Once the program has lived more than half way, normal when weight loss begins to slow down or even stalled. Doing the same exercises every day will make the body adapt to burning fat also becomes slower. If you've just walking, try swimming the next day, then ride a bicycle, then sit ups or push-ups, in order to easily burned calories back. (f)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Delicious Weight Loss Foods and Nice to Consumption

Delicious Weight Loss Foods and Nice to Consumption

Uh, you're on a diet AGAIN, and there's nothing yummy about the weight loss food you're doomed to eat for dinner. It's almost like dinner time has become some form of cruel torture, as others around you eat delicious foods, and all you've got is some pre-made meal from a box - how appetizing.

Does the scenario above sound like anything you've ever encountered? If you answered yes, it's time to get out of the dieting rock you've been hiding under and experience losing weight the yummy way.

Weight Loss Food is Yummy

Wow. Did I read that correctly? Did the author just say that weight loss food is yummy? Jeez, this guy must never have had to lose weight, because if he did, he'd never say THAT.

Nice try, but you're wrong. The food industry has systematically ingrained the idea that weight loss food does not taste good into our collective minds. Over time, the promotion of unhealthy junk food has altered our societal expectations about what constitutes good tasting food. Instead of a freshly peeled carrot being chosen as a delicious snack, we opt for a Twinkie. The funny thing is, our ancestors probably wouldn't have enjoyed them at all. Why? Their expectations of what constitutes good food were vastly different.
Delicious Weight Loss
Getting Back to Tasty

What most people who are trying to lose weight do not seem to comprehend is that weight loss food is a nearly limitless category. Instead of thinking about foods that fall under the labels "diet" and "weight loss" as limited and bland, open your mind to the possibilities that wholesome foods create.

It is entirely possible to create a delicious chicken alfredo, or a tasty beef bourguignon, out of ingredients that you might otherwise think of as less than appetizing. The trick is to combine the right kinds of quality ingredients with a passion for making the most out of the benefits that each weight loss food has to offer.

Making Smart Choices

At the grocery store, it is best to follow a simple rule - stick to the outer walls. This is where you will find the freshest weight loss foods that will give your body the best chances of losing weight. Typically, grocery stores keep their produce, meat, and bakery items on the periphery of the store. Knowing which foods in these departments are smart choices can work wonders in helping to reshape your expectations of what constitutes good taste.

As a general rule, choose baked goods that contain whole grains, and avoid those made with white flour. Limit your daily consumption of carbohydrate-rich foods to one quarter of your daily calories. In the deli, choose lean cuts of meat, and limit your intake to roughly half of your daily calories. Lastly, in the produce department, limit fruits and vegetables to a quarter of your daily intake.

Weight loss food IS yummy, if you know what to look for and have a passion for great taste.

Amanda Paul is the writer and content manager for BistroMD, one of the nation's industry leaders in home delivery of delicious meals designed for a lighter, healthier you.

In addition to content management, Amanda is also editor of the company's weekly newsletters and is the head of SEO marketing.

Amanda earned her B.A. in Communication from Florida Gulf Coast University in 2009, as well as a Minor in Journalism.

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Delicious Weight Loss Foods and Nice to Consumption

A Great Foods for Weight Loss Program

A Great Foods for Weight Loss Program

It has been suggested that there are certain diet foods that can help to burn fat and speed up metabolism. Most people already know that in order to lose weight and stay thin, a healthy, nutritious diet full of quality foods is recommended. Coincidentally, it is those same foods that help your body to stay thin that also help to burn off fat and actually help you to lose weight to occur by increasing your metabolism. The one thing that is for sure is that you must eat because without food, the body cannot burn fat the way it is supposed to.
Great Foods
Given below is a helpful list of weight loss foods:

1. Water - Although it is not considered to be one of the weight loss foods, it is a weight loss beverage. Water is useful when weight loss is the ultimate desire because it helps to flush out unwanted fats. It also confuses the body into thinking that it is full, when it is only full of water.

2. Oats - Oats are great for losing weight because they contain an abundance of one very effective nutrient - fiber. The more fiber you eat, the slower that your body digests it, meaning that you stay fuller for longer amounts of time. The ultimate result of this is that you hunger for less food and lose weight quickly and safely.

3. Eggs - Eggs contain a lot of protein - approximately 5 grams per egg - and are another great way to stay full during the day. People who are interested in eating the best weight loss foods should focus on eating at least one serving per day, preferably in the morning.

4. Red Meat - Who would have ever thought that red meat could be considered a good-for-you food? Research suggests that people who consume more red meat (in reasonable amounts, of course) have a better ability to hold onto lean muscle, which assists in the fat-burning process.

5. Grapefruit - Probably you have heard of the grapefruit diet at least once or twice before. People who have participated in studies have lost weight when eating at least a half of a grapefruit before meals. Those who did not eat the grapefruit did not lose any weight. This is one of the weight loss foods that not only helps to flush out fat, but also has other health benefits as well such as lowering triglycerides and cleansing the body of toxins.

6. Pumpkin - Pumpkin belongs to the category of weight loss foods because it is incredibly low in calories and high in fiber. With that type of combination, there is no way that you can't lose weight.

These are just a few of the weight loss foods available. Remember that if you are trying to lose weight to always eat everything in moderation. Even healthy foods can add up in calories if overdone. If you start eating healthy now, you should start to notice a significant change within only a few weeks. In time, your metabolism should begin to build as your body becomes healthier, promoting ongoing weight loss and preventing weight gain.

This is not the only great advice that Idiot Diet has to offer take a look at Idiot Diet to find more great weight loss tips and get "7 Secrets Of Permanent Fat Loss And Fitness" eBook completly FREE!

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A Great Foods for Weight Loss Program

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Eight Citrus Fruits That Promote of Health and Weight Loss

Eight Citrus Fruits That Promote of Health and Weight Loss

Winter! It brings with it a whole collection of special fruits-most of which are in the citrus family. Not only do they perk up winter meals, but they bring with them special health and weight loss benefits. One caveat: some citrus fruit such as grapefruit should be avoided if you are taking blood pressure medication. If you are on any medications, it would be wise to check with your doctor or pharmacist about any possible negative interactions with citrus fruit before consuming them.

Blood Oranges

Blood oranges have the reputation of being able to stop cancer! These oranges are especially healthy because they contain special antioxidants, anthocyanins, and carotenoids that give them their distinctive dark red color. Ohio State University research shows that these anti-inflammatories are very powerful cancer fighters, helping block the gene mutations behind cancer, protecting cells from carcinogens, and halting the spread of cancer cells.

They are also blood-sugar balancers. Because the fruit is high in anthrocyanins, enjoying one blood orange a day is a tasty way to keep blood sugar balanced. Keeping this balance wards off the cravings and fatigue that can set in when blood-sugar levels dip. According to researchers at King's College London, these plant pigments nourish the pancreas, improving blood-sugar control as quickly as one week.
Blood Oranges


Want to eat a good immunity booster? Try the sweet Clementine! Because they contain a large amount of vitamin C, snacking on clementines can help you fend off colds. UCLA researchers claim that this vitamin increases the body's production of virus-fighting white blood cells in as few as 48 hours. They're easy to carry and quick to peel, making them very handy for a fast treat. In addition to being very tasty straight from the skin, they can be turned into a dessert or combined with other ingredients. For example, you can halve them, top them with honey or brown sugar, sprinkle with cinnamon if desired, and then bake them at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes (for two clementines) or broil them for a few minutes. You can eat them with Greek yogurt, or they can be chopped up and combined with rice or included in a fruit salad for a great addition to a meal.

A terrific benefit of eating grapefruit is that it staves off osteoporosis! Grapefruit comes in four different pulp colors: white, yellow, pink, and red. Yes, color in this case does matter! Scientists at Texas A&M University report that eating red or pink grapefruit daily wards off age-related bone loss and increases bone mineral density after only two months. Both the red and pink are filled with more antioxidants than white or yellow grapefruit. Their pulp increases the absorption of bone-building calcium and magnesium, which helps protect against osteoporosis. Their rosy color comes from lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that can help protect against degenerative diseases. High levels of lycopene are associated with a reduced risk of cancer, heart disease, and macular degeneration! Otherwise, the only real difference between red and pink grapefruit is their taste: Red is the sweetest grapefruit, pink is more tart, and regular grapefruit is the most tart of all!

If you find the grapefruit to be too tart, you can sprinkle the halved fruit with a little brown sugar, dust with a little cinnamon if desired, and broil for a couple of minutes to melt the sugar. Allow them to cool briefly before eating-the melted sugar will be very hot and can burn your mouth badly.

Another plus for grapefruit is that it is a fat blaster. Add ruby red grapefruit to your menu as a tasty fix for excess pounds. Compounds in the fruit (lycopene, naringin, and pectin), according to scientists at the Scripps Clinic in San Diego, vamp up fat burn. This resulted in helping people who ate one grapefruit a day drop 20 pounds in 13 weeks. Be sure to check with your doctor or pharmacist before eating grapefruit if you are on blood pressure or other medications.

Kumquats help protect your vision! Besides brimming with sight-saving vitamin A, kumquats also contain lutein and zeaxanthin. These nutrients cut in half your risk of macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of blindness in adults. Even better, research from Harvard shows that they can reduce cataracts 30 % by shielding our retinas from harmful UV damage. Kumquats are also an artery-clogging cholesterol hero. Since kumquats are the only citrus fruit eaten whole, you get all the health benefits of the peel. Chinese research has revealed that hesperidin, a compound in the fruit's skin, can cut the liver's production of cholesterol by 16 %. That's enough to decrease heart-disease risk by 25 %. So, just pop them in your mouth and enjoy--the peel is sweet; the pulp is tangy!


Under the weather? Got the winter blues? When you're feeling achy, burned-out, or just plain tired or blah, lemons can help. They're rich in a phytonutrient that improves the liver's ability to flush away health-sapping toxins. Researchers at the Preventive Medical Center of Marin in San Rafael, California, say that this reduces headaches, pain and brain fog by 33 %. To get these benefits, twice a day juice half a lemon, add the juice to 14 ounces of water, and sip.

That's not all! Considered to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet, just one lemon delivers more than 100 % of your daily intake of vitamin C. This can help increase your "good" HDL cholesterol levels and strengthen your bones. There's even more: Citrus flavonoids found in lemons may also help inhibit the growth of cancer cells and act as an anti-inflammatory.

To boost benefits even further, add a slice of lemon to your green tea. In one study, citrus was found to increase the body's ability to absorb the antioxidants in the tea by about 80 %.

Most people don't know that limes are a GI (gastro-intestinal) soother. Including key limes in your diet can defend against stomach troubles, due to their limonoids. Stanford University doctors say that this compound jump-starts the production of digestive enzymes and encourages intestinal-muscle contractions which help relieve bloat and indigestion. They're not just for key-lime pie: They can be used in tea or made into limeade or even added to smoothies for a flavorful treat.

Did you know that tangelos can help prevent wrinkles? This delightful fruit is a cross between a grapefruit and tangerine. It is one of the best sources of hesperidin, which is a bioflavonoid that strengthens capillaries and connective tissue. It reduces bruising and varicose veins, while preventing the breakdown of collagen. As a result, it wards off sagging and wrinkles. Studies show that hesperidin needs vitamin C to work. The tasty tangelo contains lots of both, making it the perfect fruit for perfect skin!

Tangerines are especially good at fighting fat. Due to pectin, a fiber in their membranes that expands in the stomach and helps you feel full, all citrus fruit helps you lose weight. But scientists have just made the exciting discovery of a new fat-reducing chemical (nobiletin) that's found only in tangerines! This is a rare flavonoid which hinders the gene that is responsible for making fat, thus preventing the buildup of fat in the liver and speeding up the burning of fat. Furthermore, it helps prevent metabolic syndrome-- a group of risk factors that raises your risk for various diseases and health problems. In addition, it lowers cholesterol and triglycerides and blocks plaque buildup in arteries to reduce stroke and heart-disease risk. It even helps prevent Type 2 diabetes! With their small size and ease of peeling, they make a very tasty, portable and healthy snack.
So, it's hard to go wrong if you select a citrus fruit when you get the "munchies." With their variety and adaptability, you can find one for most any purpose, whether a snack, a beverage, or part of a meal or dessert. Whatever your choice, you're eating for health.

This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you have any concerns about possible interactions with medications or sensitivities you may have.

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Eight Citrus Fruits That Promote of Health and Weight Loss

Move of Calories For Weight Loss - That is not Really Hard Guys

Move of Calories For Weight Loss - That is not Really Hard Guys

Cutting back on calories for weight loss can be tough, but it may not be as hard as you think. A lot of it comes down to making smart food choices.

1. Practice portion control. Most of us eat until we're stuffed. Pay attention to your stomach and realize when you're no longer hungry, but comfortably full. Take smaller servings and eat slower. When out to eat, consider sharing an entrée with your partner and start off with a salad.

2. Drink a glass of water. Before you begin your meal, drink a glass of water. Then continue to sip water during your meal. This will help fill you up faster. Also be sure to drink plenty of water between meals. It's easy to mistake thirst signals for hunger when what you really need is a drink.

3. Keep foods with you. There aren't many healthy selections in convenience stores or work lunchrooms. Stock your car or office with some quick-grab snacks. Things like 100 calorie packs, protein or cereal bars, or whole grain crackers make good choices. If you have an insulated lunch bag, take along fruits and vegetables, or low fat cheese and yogurt.
Some Kind Callories Food
4. Replace high calorie foods with lower calorie choices. Choose grilled or baked instead of fried, low fat for full fat, white meat for red meat, whole grains for processed grains, sweetener for sugar, etc. Always look for a lower calorie choice.

5. A little adds up. If you could cut at least 50 calories every time you ate, you could easily reduce your calories by 150-300 calories per day. You can make more drastic cuts by eliminating high calorie foods. 
For example: 
Applebee's - Whitefish with mango salsa 437 calories vs. Fiesta Lime Chicken 1285 calories. 
Subway - 6" Oven Roasted Chicken Breast sandwich 330 calories vs. 6" Meatball Marinara sandwich 560 calories. 
McDonald's - Asian Salad with Grilled Chicken 290 calories vs. a Big Mac® 560 calories. 
Detour protein bar 160 calories vs. SNICKERS® candy bar 280 calories. 
Bottle of water 0 calories vs. 8-ounce cola 100 calories. 
You can cut calories just by making smart food choices. Take a week and try it. You may find it easier than what you think!

Article Source:

Move of Calories For Weight Loss - That is not Really Hard Guys

Apple Cider Vinegar to Weight Loss - The Introduction To Best Weight Loss Program

Apple Cider Vinegar to Weight Loss - The Introduction To Best Weight Loss Program

Not many people know about the benefits of apple cider vinegar weight loss. Over the centuries, vinegar has been used to kill weeds, make pickles, improve salads, and clean armor. Apart from being used for weight loss, the many uses of vinegar are truly impressive and varied. But one thing that should surprise you is the fact that it is a great and helpful health tonic as well.
Apple Cider Vinegar to Weight Loss


You may have some questions at this point. Did you know that you can buy medical apple cider vinegar as well as salad dressing? In the health and condiment aisles of many grocery stores, you're likely to find the product. The truth is, many folk tales told about the vinegar are false, but a few medical uses of apple cider vinegar are very real.

Slow and Steady Fermentation

Apple cider vinegar is a product of slow and steady fermentation. In this process, bacteria and yeast in the food we eat break down the food's sugars, first turning them into alcohol, then eventually vinegar. The resulting vinegar is useful for a surprisingly wide variety of things, including cooking. Vinegar can be made from a variety of things, such as grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Acetic Acid

The process comes from crushed and mashed apples. It's primary ingredient is acetic acid, but there are also several important mineral salts, amino acids, and vitamins that compose it.

Folk Remedy

Long used as a folk remedy, people began to go on different kinds of diets as early as the late 1950's (in the United States). It became very popular, especially as a dietary supplement. During that time period, everyone was on the lookout for a good alternative medicine. It quickly became a popular supplement to take.

Many capabilities

According to many websites on the internet, and many supplement boxes, apple cider is supposed to have many capabilities, such as killing head lice and reversing aging. Many books discussing health and vinegar properties claim that it can wash toxins from the and comfort indigestion.

Do your research

Of course, many of these are superfluous and have no basis in scientific fact. Old wives' tales and urban legends make up quite a few of the stories being told about it. It's best to keep this in mind when you're looking at information about losing weight not everything is real, and some of the more wild "benefits" being touted are fake.

Stay Healthy

But does that mean that the health benefits you have read about are false? Not at all - there are many things apple cider vinegar weight loss can do for your health and well-being.

There are many different ways to help a person lose weight. That being said apple cider vinegar weight loss [] is a very different approach but the benefits don't lie! for a different way to try to lose those unwanted pounds try something different, something all natural and that's good for you, apple cider vinegar weight loss.

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Apple Cider Vinegar to Weight Loss - The Introduction To Best Weight Loss Program

Apple Cider Vinegar and Weight Loss Strategy

The apple cider vinegar weight loss strategy has been in existence in for a long period of time. It is said that Egyptian women used this method to maintain their figure without skipping one single meal. Regular consumption of the said vinegar is rumoured to aid in lowering cholesterol levels, dramatically improve the circulatory system and help in weight reduction and lower water retention in the body. A lot of women in Asian countries are reported to have been using this method of weight loss as evident on their thin and lean bodies.

The utilization of apple cider vinegar weight loss strategy is not just in the world of dieting and weight reduction. The fact is that it also aids in hypertension control, cholesterol level control and diabetes diet makes it more valuable. Because of the rich presence of potassium in the apple cider vinegar, drinking it helps in thinning the blood which in turns results a dramatic fall in blood pressure, therefore solving the problem of hypertension that most fat people usually have.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Cholesterol is another threat to health because it can lead to a stroke, a heart attack and so on. Apple cider vinegar weight loss strategy practitioner's risk for cholesterol caused disease is lowered if not totally eliminated as the vinegar drastically lowers the presence these negative cholesterol in the body. This very fiber is what helps set the threat of diabetes at bay as well because it has positive effects on glucose and insulin too.

For people who are into natural way weight loss methods, the use of apple cider vinegar weight loss strategy does its part by break down food taken in the most right and proper way possible, it also helps in restoring the pepsin levels and salt levels in the body. As it detoxifies the liver, fat absorbed by the toxic liver are all cleansed and helps in the slimming down process too. In just a week or two, you can certainly feel the positive effects as well as slimming effects brought about by regular consumption of apple cider vinegar.

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Apple Cider Vinegar and Weight Loss Strategy 

Coconut Oil for Weight Loss, Is Working?

Coconut Oil for Weight Loss, Is Working?

Reputation because of its high content in saturated fat. Yet, for thousands of years coconut has been a main part of the islanders' diet in the Tropics and still remains so today. Studies also show lower levels of heart disease and obesity among these populations as well. So why was coconut oil shunned for all of these years?

In the 70's and 80's inaccurate studies were done that led to the conclusion that coconut oil was way too high in saturated fat and should be avoided. What their mistake was, is that they did these studies on partially hydrogenated coconut oil, not organic. When a natural oil is hydrogenated, its whole composition changes and turns it into a trans fat. Trans fats are extremely unhealthy for you and should be avoided at all costs because they raise cholesterol levels and can lead to heart disease.
Coconut Oil
Though it is high in saturated fat, what people fail to realize is that not all fats are the same. Most of the foods and oils we use are composed of long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) or long-chain triglycerides (LCTs). The large molecules in LCTs are not easily broken down by the body and end up being stored as fat. These large molecules also are what clog the arteries and lead to high cholesterol and heart disease. On the contrary, coconut oil is composed of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) or medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). The molecules are smaller and are easier to digest and immediately converted into energy and burned off.

With this in mind, it is clear to see how coconut oil can be a perfect aid to weight loss. Since it is an MCT, it is quickly turned into energy promoting a higher metabolism, thus giving you more energy. MCTs are quickly burned off and can even convert stored fat in your body into energy, leading to weight loss and a leaner body. Some people who have thyroid problems find it very hard to lose weight, but coconut oil can help boost thyroid activity. It can also curb your appetite and make you feel fuller faster, thus enabling you to eat less and still feel satisfied.

There has not been enough research or tests done to prove how effective coconut oil can contribute to weight loss, nor how much to actually take everyday. Though, a nutrition researcher named Sally Fallon of the Weston A. Price foundation recommends taking one tablespoon with every meal daily. Keep in mind that it is still a fat and high in calories, so you still want to use it in moderation. You definitely still want to maintain a well balanced diet and exercise routine.

It is crucial to make sure that you are using the right kind of coconut oil as well. It should be pure, virginand certified organic. Make sure it has not been hydrogenated, refined, deodorized, bleached, or contains any GMO ingredients. Make sure that it is also made from fresh coconut and not from dried or copra. You really can not go wrong as long as it meets these requirements. I strongly encourage that you try it because not only will it help you lose weight, but keep you energized and healthy.

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Coconut Oil for Weight Loss, Is Working?

Friday, September 19, 2014

Increase Calcium Intake For Your Weight Loss

Increase  Calcium Intake For Your Weight Loss

You already know that calcium strengthens your bones, but did you know that calcium can also help firm up your stomach. Harvard Medical School research has shown that people who ate three servings of dairy a day were 60 percent less likely to be overweight.

Calcium can help limit the new amount of fat your body can make. In a study conducted at the University of Tennessee found that men who added three servings of yogurt a day to their diets lost 61 percent more body fat and 81 percent more stomach fat over a 12 week time period than men who didn't eat yogurt.
Calcium Intake Weight Loss
It is not well known why a higher calcium intake can help make your body leaner and thinner. Some researchers speculate that dairy calcium helps fight body fat because it increases the thermic effect of eating- meaning that you may burn more calories digesting calcium rich foods.

There are a lot of foods to select from that supply calcium. Milk and low-fat or fat-free cheese and yogurt-are great sources since they are high in calcium. The best options for weight loss are low-fat or fat-free milk and milk products. Since they incorporate little or no fat, it's easy to get adequate calcium without adding additional fat to your diet.

Here are some foods that are calcium rich: 
- 8 ounces of low fat milk 
- 8 ounces of low fat yogurt 
- 1 ounce or 1 slice of cheddar cheese 
- 1 ounce or 1 slice of swiss cheese 
- 1 cup of cottage cheese 
- 1 ounce of mozzarella cheese 
- 1 scoop of whey protein powder

Ann has been writing articles for nearly 10 years. Come visit her latest website over at [] which helps people find the best treadmills with tv [] and information they are looking for when searching for the best treadmills.

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Increase  Calcium Intake For Your Weight Loss

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Cinnamon Remedies - Cinnamon For Fast Weight Loss

Cinnamon Remedies - Cinnamon For Fast Weight Loss

Cinnamon remedies are so powerful that its becoming a very popular weight loss spice and by simply eating 2 to 3 teaspoons of cinnamon a day, our bodies will enjoy the benefits of a boosted metabolism and improved blood sugar control or insulin resistance.
There are many other cinnamon remedies making it ideal for all sorts of health conditions and general well-being including:

- Reduces Panic and Anxiety Attacks
- Kill bacteria that causes Urinary tract infections
- Improve Memory and Bran function
- Relieves cramps
- Improves Digestion
- Prevent Nausea
- Prevents excess sweating (cold cup of cinnamon tea)
- Prevent stomach ulcers

Not only is Cinnamon a delicious spice you may have forgotten in the back of your pantry it's very easy to add to drinks and cooking because of its delicious taste and aroma. For Weight loss cinnamon adds the following benefits:

- Reduces Bad Cholesterol LDL
- Reduces Blood Sugar (Prevents diabetes and heart conditions)
- Boosts Metabolism

The number one reason cinnamon for weight loss is so popular is due to its ability to control your blood sugar levels which means whenever you eat high sugar or carbohydrate foods your body will be able to handle the sugar without going into shock or automatically storing it as fat.

Improved blood sugar levels and reduction of cholesterol helped me to loose weight and I enjoy extra cinnamon in apple upside down cake. Remember cinnamon doesn't have to come in powder form look for a delicious soothing cinnamon tea to add to your weight loss plan and start losing weight, it worked for me and its amazing for adding flavor and benefit to a soup stock.

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Cinnamon Remedies - Cinnamon For Fast Weight Loss

Weight Loss : Juicing Ways for Fast Weight Loss

Weight Loss : Juicing is Ways for Fast Weight Loss

When you do a quick search on the Internet, you find plenty of information about juicing and weight loss; everything from juice fasting to debates on what kinds of juice is best. The topic of juicing for weight loss is murky and often hard to navigate. Some people say never juice fruit due to the sugar content, while others disagree. When the debate about sugar comes up, we may think only about the white stuff we put into our cakes and cookies. Our bodies need natural sugars to function, so juicing fruit shouldn't be completely done away with.

One reason that you often hear about vegetable juices being superior to fruit juices is because vegetable juices are low in fat, and in calories. If you drink fresh vegetable juices, your total calorie count is going to be lower despite drinking more in total nutrients. The nutrients you get from each glass of vegetable juice is densely packed, and because vegetable juices take longer to process, it can help reduce hunger and cravings. Vegetable juices can also help stabilize blood sugar, which is a very important part of being healthy.
Fruit and vegetable juices can also jump start your metabolism. By giving your body a nutrient-dense drink like fresh juice, toxins in your cells are flushed out and the acidity in your body is reduced. Freshly juiced fruits and vegetables are an excellent way to get on track to better health.

As with any lifestyle change, you have to plan some time to exercise. Juicing can give you the energetic boost you need to get started, and to keep you going. When you combine exercise and fruit and vegetable juices, you increase your ability to lose weight quickly and safely. (Normally 1-2 pounds a week). You can start out juicing celery, cranberries, and watermelon to start the process. All of these are known to reduce water weight.

Some spices are said to stimulate your metabolism as well. Try adding cayenne pepper, cinnamon, garlic powder, cumin, or onion powder to give your juice extra fat burning power. You should avoid coriander and basil as these are said to stimulate the appetite.

There are a variety of ways to use juicing for weight loss. You can replace one meal a day with juice, and if you do this, breakfast is the easiest for most people. Replacing snacks with juices is another great way to benefit from fruits and vegetables. Some people juice fast, or feast. This should only be done if you have a doctor's approval, or have spent a lot of time educating yourself about how to do it properly. You will read quite a bit about juice fasting/feasting, and while it does provide plenty of nutrition if done properly, take care that you have all of the information you need before starting.

Juicing is not only a great way lose weight, but to set yourself up for a lifetime of good food choices. Once you start to see and feel the benefits of drinking fruit and vegetable juices, it will be far easier to keep them in your daily routine long-term.

Beckie is passionate about health, and juicing. There are so many juicing machines to choose from, but you can get some clarity on the best juicers to buy and stop wasting time on products that don't live up to the hype.

Article Source:

Weight Loss : Juicing is Ways for Fast Weight Loss

The Chia Seed Drink is New Ways for Weight Loss

The Chia Seed Drink is New Ways for Weight Loss

If that didn't get your head to turn, nothing will. The little tune from the Chia Pet commercials is probably already swimming around in your head, but that is hardly what the Chia Seed Weight Loss was meant to be for. That was just American commercialism at its finest.

The Chia seed has its roots with the Aztec Indians. For the very reason that they used it is why it is becoming such a popular diet aid. When the Aztecs were to take a long journey, they would eat Chia seeds and then drink as much water as they could. Because the seed can absorb up to 12x its weight, they would feel full and have enough water in their systems so that they would not get dehydrated.
Chia Seed Drink
That very thing is what helps people out when they want to lose weight. Because of that ability, you can take the seeds and they will make you feel full after drinking water. This is the same thing that diet pills try to do with different elements and things like gelatin when you take them. Now would you rather have a natural seed in your system or gelatin?

Another thing to keep in mind is that many of these so called diet pills can mess up your daily schedule. It is not uncommon to become irregular when you are on them because of all the unnatural things that are in them. The Chia seed is the total opposite of that as if anything, it will keep you regular as they are a great source of dietary fiber as well.

When you are looking to lose weight, it is time to put all of those expensive diet pills behind you and use something that will actually work. The Chia seed adds to your fiber intake for the day and will naturally help you fill full so you don't eat as much. If it was good enough for the ancient Aztec's, it should be good enough for you.

A Chia seed [] expands just like the diet pills claim to do when it is wet. In fact, it holds about 12 times its weight in water. The difference between the seed and the pills is the fact that the Chia seed is all natural and is something that people have been consuming for centuries

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The Chia Seed Drink is New Ways for Weight Loss

The Element of an Effective Medical Weight Loss Program

The Element of an Effective Medical Weight Loss Program

In order for a medical weight loss program to be effective it must contain certain essential components. First, it must involve medical professionals trained to deal with patients with weight problems that may or may not be the cause of their medical conditions.

The main part of such a program is that each person receives an individualized diet plan. This diet plan includes foods that you normally eat and does not involve buying or preparing meals containing foods you do not like. The first step is the consultation process in which you are weighed and a calculation is made of the body mass index, (BMI). Other possibilities may be discussed as well; mesotherapy and/or fastin may be some of these topics discussed.

After the initial consultation, you will also have a scheduled visit with a physician at the medical clinic to ascertain that you are in good health or that you need to have special considerations included in your weight loss plan.
Medical Weight Loss
As part of your individualized diet plan, a medical weight loss program also includes fitness instructions. In order for any weight loss plan to be effective you do need to exercise for twenty minutes at least three times a week. If you are not used to exercising, the program will lead you into this starting you off with easy exercises that will gradually increase in intensity and the number of minutes you spend exercising each day.

You will also receive the coaching and counseling you need to keep you going when times get tough on the diet and you want to revert to your old ways. Taking care of your psychological well-being is a component of a medical weight loss program. Having a positive attitude towards weight loss is very important.

The personnel at the clinic you use will help you set realistic goals for weight loss and will work with you to help you achieve these goals. For example, if you want to lose 40 pounds in one month, they will advise you that in order to achieve this goal you will be putting your overall health at risk.

Once you start following the diet on a medical weight loss program, you can make regular visits to the clinic to weigh in and check with the counselors as to your progress. You can also talk with these people by telephone or online if you are not able to actually visit the clinic as many of these programs are available online.

The goal of a medical weight loss program is behavior modification in the types of foods that you eat and how much you consume at one sitting. Through the program you will learn the benefit of drinking plenty of water to wash the burned out calories from your body. You will also learn how to determine the size of portions you should have and how to plan a healthy balanced diet using the foods from the four food groups.

Most medical weight loss programs also involve dietary supplements that will help suppress your appetite so that you won't crave foods high in fat between your meals. There are also weight loss protein shakes you can purchase to use as snacks in between your meals that will help raise your body's metabolic rate helping you to have more energy and burn more calories. Overall, you will develop a healthy lifestyle that will help you maintain your weight loss goal so that you feel and look the way you want.

Sarah Martin is a freelance marketing writer based out of San Diego, CA. She specializes in aesthetic medicine, beauty treatments, and medical weight loss. For a specialized program or to learn more about other options in weight loss such as mesotherapy.

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The Element of an Effective Medical Weight Loss Program

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Weight Loss: Achieve Fat Loss With Little Time

Weight Loss: Achieve Fat Loss With Little Time

Nutritional scientists agree that the primary cause of accumulated fats in the body is the type of food consumed. Due to the fast lifestyles we are leading, we are tempted to grab the fastest bite we can get. Unfortunately, most food sold in convenience outlets like fast food cafés is loaded with concentrated fats that are not healthy for your body when consumed continuously. For a person interested in fast fat loss, this is the first place that one should give a miss.

Most people take two to three heavy meals in a day. However to lose fat, we need to reduce the size of food portions we are taking and increase the number of meals in a day. We should be prepared to eat properly prepared meals, loaded with nutritious ingredients, and to consume such meals every three hours at a minimum. Frequent meals taken in small portions increases metabolism in the body due to muscle build up brought about by weight training.

Achieve Fat Loss

Research shows that a high protein diet increases the rate at which the body burns up fat. Increased protein intake acts as a catalyst and speeds up metabolism in the body and this in turn allows the reduction of fats in the body. People with limited or no access to high protein diets have reduced rates of metabolism and consequently have increased body fats. Health experts have observed that a high protein diet leads to an increased thermic effect that is three times that of persons taking marginal quantities of protein. The thermic effect facilitates faster breaking down of fats.

Ice-cold water increases the rate of fat reduction. The body cannot use ice-cold water in its state and must undertake heating activities to prepare it for proper assimilation. It has been observed that taking ice-cold water causes a reduction of body fat by at least six kilograms in a year.

The most widely recommended method for the reduction of body fat is weight training. The increased activity stimulates the burning of fats within the body. It has been observed that one session of fitness training will extend your metabolism rate for up to thirty-six hours after the training session.

Finally, the increased consumption of carbohydrates is known to cause fast fat loss []. Intense workouts lead to increased depletion of carbohydrate stocks and causing fat reduction long after the workout. Nutritional scientists have observed that fifteen sessions of intense training undertaken each month will lead to the loss of twelve kilograms of fat in a year.
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Weight Loss: Achieve Fat Loss With Little Time

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Loss Weight? Try This Healthy Snack

Loss Weight? Try This Healthy Snack 

When you're dieting, it can be pretty confusing trying to find the best foods to lose weight. You certainly need to take into consideration the snacks you are eating. When you need a fast and easy food fix some snack foods can pile on loads of unwanted calories. Having said that, there are healthy foods to lose weight that will help to satisfy your hunger but not make you put on those extra few pounds.

The popular snack options that we all go for when we feel hungry is usually a bag of potato chips, a chocolate bar or a cake filled with jelly or cream. These snacks will fill you up but they'll also pack the fat on your thighs and stomach. Here are 5 healthy snack foods to lose weight that you can try eating as an alternative.
Healthy Snack 
1. Dried Fruit.

Rather than the bag of potato chips, why don't you consider a bag of dried fruit? You can take dried fruit with you in your car or have in your bag and it won't spoil quickly. Other foods to lose weight include the baked variety of potato chips, popcorn and chopped vegetables like carrots or celery.

2. Low-fat, Low-calorie Granola Bars.

Chocolate bars are a very tempting way to satisfy your hunger, but they are loaded with calories. If you're on a restricted caloric daily allowance, a chocolate bar will use up most of those designated calories, which means that you'll have little left for the remainder of the day. As a substitute, try a low-fat, low-calorie granola bar. Your hunger will be satisfied and it will give your body will get some nutritional value too. If you desperately need a chocolate fix, a small square of dark chocolate is a good way to calm you chocolate cravings.

3. Rice Cakes.

Almost everyone likes a good chocolate chip cookie (or 2 or 3 or possibly more) when they're hungry. Again, they taste good, but they can pack on the calories. Instead of those tasty cookies, other snack foods to lose weight are rice cakes or low-fat, sugar-free cookies. Raisins and nuts are also good protein foods to lose weight.

4. Fig Rolls.

What about those jelly-filled donuts or other popular pastries? They're good for taste (and a quick sugar high) but certainly not healthy foods to lose weight. Maybe you can consider some sugar free fig rolls as diet foods to eat? They don't have as much fat as the pastries and they can satisfy your sweet craving that you may be feeling when you reach for the jelly-filled donuts or cakes.

5. Fresh Fruit.

Obviously, fresh fruits and veggies are some of the most healthy foods to lose weight. Grapes, cherries, berries, apples, mangoes and bananas are delicious alternatives for the calorie loaded desserts and cakes. A tasty way to enjoy these fruits as an alternative to ice cream, are to chop them up and mix them into a low fat sugar-free yogurt. Take the time to clean, cut up and store fruits and vegetables as soon as they are brought in from the market, so they can be grabbed on the go or any time you have a craving so you are not even tempted to grab that bag of potato chips or box of cookies.
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Loss Weight? Try This Healthy Snack 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Benefits of Green Tea on Weight Loss

Benefits of Green Tea on Weight Issues

What is green tea 
Green tea is derived from the same plant as black tea (Camellia Sinensis). It differs, however, in how the leaves are prepared and fermented, providing benefits not seen in black tea. Portions of the active compounds are destroyed in black tea, but remain active in the green variety. These active constituents have a significant effect on body fat, accelerating both the loss of stored fat and reducing fat storage itself.

Green Tea and Weight Loss 
Green tea contains vitamins, minerals and caffeine, but the primary constituents of interest are the polyphenols, particularly a catechin called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). This catechin has been shown in a trial at the University of Geneva, to speed up the rate at which stored fat is burned for energy by over 30%. Three months of supplementation alone, without any diet or exercise, has also been shown to accelerate weight loss and reduce waist size. Studies such as these have suggested that as well as boosting the metabolic rate, green tea extract can help to block the absorption of fat. In other words, not only does extract help you to lose the fat you've already got, it also reduces the amount of fat you digest and store on your waist, thighs and hips.
 Green Tea 
Green Tea Benefits 
The benefits of green tea don't stop there! It has also been studied for a range of health benefits, believed to be due to its rich polyphenol content, including cholesterol lowering effects, increased protection from cardiovascular disease and a reduction of fat accumulation in the liver. The benefits of drinking regular tea are regularly promoted in relation to its high level of antioxidants and with the green variety possessing six times the antioxidant activity of black tea this is no surprise.

How much do I need 
You can gain the antioxidant benefits by drinking it in tea form, but at least 10 cups daily (of a quality brand) are needed to reach the dosages used in research. Before you rush to brew up, also consider that the evidence linking this tea to fat loss was gained in studies using green tea extract rather than tea itself. Providing a more concentrated source of the active ingredient EGCG, ideally standardised to 90% polyphenols, will allow you to get the best results. Ideally aim for 200-300mg of the extract per day, split into three divided doses.

Interestingly, new research indicates that combining the effects of this tea with additional caffeine, cayenne and tyrosine, can elevate metabolism further than green tea alone, which could translate into greater fat loss.

Getting it into perspective 
Although Green tea and other fat burning ingredients can accelerate fat loss, they are not an excuse to lapse on healthy choices across the rest of your diet. These natural 'fat burners' should only be seen as an accelerator once you have organised your diet and training programme for best results, but once you have done so, they can certainly leave you in great shape.


The UK's leading brand for healthy female weight loss, body toning and well being. Maxitone is just for women, so our website is packed with simple articles, tips, exercise and eating plans, plus the very finest research proven products just for girls.
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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Protein for Weight Loss

The Protein for Weight Loss

How Much Protein Do You Need?

If you want to lose weight, eating extra protein can make your diet easier and more effective. First of all, everyone's body needs protein to build and repair tissue. When a person is not dieting but still engaging in regular workouts, one's daily protein requirements should fall around 0.5 grams to 0.8 grams protein per pound body weight (meaning a 150lb person would want to consume 75g protein per day.) If you are dieting, it is generally recommended to increase daily protein intake to 1g protein per pound body weight.
Protein for .....
Why You Should Increase Protein While Dieting

When you go on a diet, eating additional protein can help preserve your muscle mass. Eating fewer calories can cause your body to think that a famine could be in your future. This will cause your body to hold onto your stored fat as future insurance and break down your muscles (which require too much food to support) for energy. This is one of the main reasons people find they gain weight much easier after a diet - you have less muscle to burn calories.

Eating more protein will also help you lose weight and stick to your diet because -

High protein foods tend to be low in calories, filling, and keep you from feeling hungry longer. High protein food also burn as much as 20% more calories during digestion, and help your body shed excess water weight - making you feel slimmer in a matter of days.

Proteins to Avoid

Make sure if you want to add more protein to your diet that you look for low calories sources - those that are primary lean, low in fat, and not high in calories. Avoid fatty meats, cheese, nuts (these are mostly fat), and too many beans (these have a lot of carbohydrates.)

Here is a list of the best high protein foods for weight loss:

Fish/Shellfish - including bass, cod, tuna, flounder, haddock, halibut, orange roughy, perch, tilapia, shrimp, and snapper. For example, every 4oz serving of tuna has only 120 calories and 26 grams of protein. In comparison, salmon has 206 calories in a 4oz serving and 28.8 grams protein. Salmon is higher in calories than tuna due to having more fat - 9.2 grams compared to 1 gram in tuna.

Meat/Eggs - Bison, chicken breast, egg whites, elk, extra lean ground turkey, 95% lean ground beef, ostrich, turkey breast. 4oz of extra lean ground turkey contains 120 calories and 28 grams protein. Egg whites are also an excellent low calorie protein source - you can eat 6 egg whites and consume only 102 calories and 21 gram protein compared to 75 calories and 6.3g protein in a whole egg.

Dairy - Whey protein, low fat greek yogurt, low fat cottage cheese. Look for whey protein formulas that contain 100 calories per 20 grams protein. Anything Weight Loss is higher in calories is not necessarily better for you and most likely is full of sugars, fats, and additives - diet sabotaging ingredients.

What about vegans? Before vegan protein powders became commercially available, most vegans would eat foods like beans (115 calories and 9 grams protein in a half cup of cooked lentils) and soy products. While these foods are healthy, beans/lentils, and soy products are all relatively high in calories compared to their protein content. This can make eating fewer calories difficult. Today, it is fairly easy to find low calorie, high protein vegan protein powder in most vitamin stores and high end groceries - look specifically for hemp or rice proteins.
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The Protein for Weight Loss

Lose Weight by Drinking Water Fact or Fictions

Lose Weight  by Drinking Water Fact or Fictions

Have you ever tried drinking water to lose weight? You might have heard about people who swear by it - that it helps them to drop pounds and maintain the weight loss as well, but you might be skeptical about this. After all, how can drinking water to lose weight be possible? How would that work?

The truth is, drinking water to lose weight IS possible. However, weight loss is only possible when you consume water that is clean and free from contaminants and other harmful substances. Water plays a major role in the different processes in the body, including metabolism and elimination of toxins.

An important organ for weight loss is the liver. The liver works by converting fats into a usable form of energy. Another function of the liver is filtering out toxins and promoting the elimination of these toxins from the body. These functions are not possible without water. I'm not talking about a little bit of water. The liver needs sufficient amounts of water to be able to carry out these tasks.
Fact or Fictions
What does water purity have to do with it? H2O can contain different contaminants like chemicals, pharmaceuticals, microorganisms, and dirt. When you drink unclean water, the liver spends much of its energy removing these contaminants from the body, leaving it less able to convert fat into energy. This promotes weight gain, instead of weight loss.

Now, does drinking water burn calories? Yes, drinking good ole' H2O helps burn calories by naturally speeding up the metabolism. It also promotes weight loss by suppressing the appetite. Water also ensures that the body gets the nutrients it needs by enhancing absorption in the intestines. In addition, it enables the body to utilize these nutrients properly so that weight loss and a healthy weight is achieved.

How can you start losing weight with this method? Will any kind of water be OK to stimulate healthy weight loss? There are different methods of cleaning water like distillation, reverse osmosis, and filtration but which one is the best?

By far, filtration is the best method for ensuring clean and safe drinking water. Filtration systems that make use of sub micron filtration, ion exchange, and carbon filtration are the best as these remove contaminants thoroughly but do not remove the minerals needed by the body.

It ensures that the water is not only clean and pure but healthy as well. Filtration systems are also economical as they do not require electricity to run.

Losing weight is not only dependent on what you eat. You also need to pay attention to what you drink, such as the quality of the drinking water you consume.
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Lose Weight  by Drinking Water Fact or Fictions